Principles of Organization:Management

Principles are the fundamental truth and system which cannot be avoided in practical field.A sound organization can be stated by keeping in view some basic principles.These principles clarify the philosophy of an organization in a comprehensive way.The major principle are discussed below.

1.Unity of objective:
All the members working in the organization should have the same goals and objectives.
Works should be assigned to the individuals on the basis of their skill, knowledge and experience.
Co-ordination integrates efforts of all the members to meet common goals of organization.
4.Authority and Responsibility:
There must be a balance between authority and responsibility.
5.Unity of Command:
A subordinate should receive instruction from only one individual.So that the given instruction are clearly understood.
6.Scalar chain:
There should be unbroken hierarchy of relationship from top level to subordinate level.This emphasis on the clear instruction from top level to bottom level.
6.Span of Control:
There should be a limited numbers of subordinate under a superior.The number should not more which disturb everyone and maximizes supervision cost.
only the top priority question should be asked to the superior.The small thing are an exception.
The organization should be simple and easy to understand.
The organization should be flexible so that the changes can be made according to the changing environment.


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